Stem Cell Therapy for Fertility

Stem cell therapy offers a ground-breaking approach to improving fertility by stimulating the body’s own regenerative abilities. Using stem cells extracted from the patient’s own bone marrow, this treatment aims to rejuvenate the ovaries, promoting creating egg cells and enhancing hormone production.

For decades, it was believed that women are born with a finite number of eggs that gradually deplete over time. However, research has shown that ovarian stem cells may still exist even after birth, offering new possibilities for fertility treatments. Some women who lost fertility due to cancer treatments have experienced spontaneous pregnancies after receiving bone marrow transplants, sparking curiosity about the potential of stem cells in ovarian regeneration

A high-resolution digital illustration of a hematopoietic stem cell, featuring a vibrant nucleus and a structured cellular membrane

New Evidence: Ovarian Stem Cells Exist

  • In 2004, animal studies revealed that ovaries contain rare germline or oogonial stem cells (OSCs), capable of generating new eggs and offspring (Telfer & Anderson, Climacteric, 2019). Additionally, women who had lost fertility due to cancer therapy have spontaneously regained ovarian function after bone marrow transplants, with cases of natural pregnancies reported (Herraiz et al., Fertility & Sterility, 2018).

    There are two main theories for these unexpected recoveries:

    1. Growth factor activation – Bone marrow transplants may revive dormant ovarian follicles, allowing them to release existing eggs.
    2. Direct regeneration – Stem cells from the transplant could integrate into the ovaries and could potentially create completely new eggs (Gupta et al., Journal of Human Reproductive Sciences, 2018).

How Stem Cells Improve Ovarian Function

Stem cells, which can develop into different cell types, are widely used in regenerative medicine. In fertility treatments, bone marrow-derived stem cells are used to stimulate ovarian function (Herraiz et al., Current Opinion in Obstetrics & Gynecology, 2019). Unlike hormone replacement therapy (HRT), which can increase the risk of stroke and some cancers, ovarian rejuvenation restores and prolongs natural hormone production.

Key Benefits of Stem Cell Ovarian Revitalization:

  • Natural restoration of hormone production.
  • Potential to improve egg quality and increase ovarian reserve.
  • A safer, body-friendly alternative to traditional treatments.

The Basic Ovarian Stem Cell Procedure

  • Patient Evaluation– Hormone levels, immunologic status, and ovarian health are assessed.
  • Bone Marrow Extraction– Stem cells are collected from the tibia or pelvic bone under anesthesia.
  • Cell Processing– Stem cells (SCs) are isolated and prepared.
  • Injection into the Ovary– Using laparoscopy or ultrasound monitoring, stem cells are injected into specific ovarian regions.

Enhancing the Therapy

SC therapy can be combined with Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy and bioregenerative scaffolds, which involves injecting growth factors derived from the patient’s blood to further stimulate ovarian function and improve treatment outcomes.

Recovery and Results

The procedure is minimally invasive, with a short recovery time. Results, including improved hormone levels and better ovarian function, are typically observed within 6-12 months. For women seeking pregnancy, fertility treatments such as IVF can follow the rejuvenation therapy.

Safety and Risks

  • Full effects develop within six months.
  • IVF treatments can follow to maximize pregnancy chances.
  • Complication rate is below 1%, with rare risks like bleeding or anesthesia-related issues (Sheikhansari et al., Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy, 2018).


Stem cell ovarian rejuvenation represents a promising, natural alternative to restore fertility and hormonal balance, offering new hope to women with diminished ovarian reserves.


  1. Ahmadian S, Mahdipour M et al, Effectiveness of Stem Cell Therapy in the Treatment of Ovarian Disorders and Female Infertility: A Systematic Review, Current Stem Cell Research & Therapy 2020, 15(2):173-186
  2. Herraiz S, Pellicer N et al, Treatment potential of bone marrow-derived stem cells in women with diminished ovarian reserves and premature ovarian failure. Current Opinion in Obstetrics & Gynecology 2019, 31(3):156-162
  3. Telfer EE, Anderson RA, The existence and potential of germline stem cells in the adult mammalian ovary. Climacteric 2019, 22(1):22-26
  4. Silvestris E, D`Oronzo S et al, In Vitro Generation of Oocytes from Ovarian Stem Cells (OSCs): In Search of Major Evidence, International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2019, 20(24). pii: E6225
  5. Sheikhansari G, Aghebati-Maleki L et al, Current approaches for the treatment of premature ovarian failure with stem cell therapy, Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy 2018, 102:254-262
  6. Herraiz S, Romeu M et al, Autologous stem cell ovarian transplantation to increase reproductive potential in patients who are poor responders, Fertility Sterility 2018, 10(3):496-505.e
  7. Herraiz S, Buigues A et al, Fertility rescue and ovarian follicle growth promotion by bone marrow stem cell infusion, Fertilty Sterility 2018, 109(5):908-918.e2
  8. Gupta S, Lodha P et al, Role of autologous bone marrow-derived stem cell therapy for follicular recruitment in premature ovarian insufficiency: Review of literature and a case report of world’s first baby with ovarian autologous stem cell therapy in a perimenopausal woman of age 45 year, Journal of  Human Reproductive Sciences 2018, 11(2):125-130