Published in Endocrines Journal Abstract Advanced maternal age is associated with the natural oocyte depletion, leading to low oocyte yield, high infertility treatment cancellation rates, and eventual decreases in pregnancy

bone marrow tissue with hematopoietic cells

Published in Human Reproduction Abstract Study question Does autologous bone marrow derived stem cell (BMDSC) ovarian transplantation optimize ovarian reserve parameters in young infertile women with diminished ovarian reserve (DOR)

Published in Journal of Human Reproductive Sciences Abstract Background: The management of poor responders is still a challenge in modern-assisted reproductive technology. Several researches show encouraging results with individual autologous

Autologous ovarian in vitro activation

Abstract Reduction of the number of primordial follicles, associated with cellular and molecular damage of the ovarian tissue, leads to failure of ovarian function and, ultimately, to menopause. It has

human embryo in the womb

Published in Implantation and the Fetal Health. Induced Abortion and Spontaneous Early Pregnancy Loss – Focus on Management Abstract Implantation is one of the crucial periods in human reproduction. Increasing

Published in Donald School Journal of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology Abstract New biotechnology procedures have been introduced to the field of reproductive and perinatal medicine to find solutions for

embryo implantation

Published in Donald School Journal of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology Abstract Dysfunctional implantation and the formation of the placenta can endanger life and health of both the fetus and

cell growth factors

Segova team members publish a paper in the International Journal of Fertility & Sterility. Objective: Premature ovarian failure (POF) can be found in 1% of women, age 35-40, mostly of