The sample of 73 patients with sonograhic follow-ups, and 50 patients who finished one year hormone change monitoring, showed that Segova has a favorable effect on endocrine status and on

A New Approach to Fertility Restoration Oogenesis relies on precise genetic regulation. The Hippo signaling pathway controls organ size by regulating growth inhibitors, while the AKT signaling pathway is crucial


Keeping your cells energized is essential for health, and mitochondria—the tiny powerhouses inside our cells—are crucial for fertility. They support egg quality, hormone production, and ovarian function, while Dysfunction can

Stem cell therapy (with stem cells obtained from the patient’s own body) aims to create new or incite existing non-differentiated ovarian stem cells – which are to be developed into

The production of eggs – oogenesis, is dependent on proper genetic control. Hippo signalling pathway is essential for maintaining optimum organ size. It contains several negative growth regulators. The AKT

A woman’s diet before conception has an important role in her reproductive health. It affects fertility and early stages of pregnancy. Improper diet can have harmful effects on ovulation, menstruation

This part of the program consists of taking specific supplements, vitamins, antioxidants and following a special diet. The goal is to supply the ovaries with essential elements to produce new

Exosomes are very small extracellular vesicles of endosomal cellular origin. Exosomes are secreted by different cell type and their content greatly depends on their cellular origin. Exosomes are involved in

This is our new therapy whose aim is to enhance the chances for optimal implantation of the embryos into the uterine wall. PEP technique uses autologous PLRP (Platelet/Lymphocyte Rich Plasma).

A New Path to Fertility Ovarian revitalization methods have gained popularity worldwide, offering hope to women looking to improve their hormonal balance and reproductive potential. One of the most widely