SEGOVA is an advanced autologous ovarian rejuvenation procedure, performed through a structured ovarian rejuvenation approach, including stem cells, PRP, and IVA (In Vitro Activated) ovarian tissue.
Key Components of SEGOVA Therapy:
Pre-Arrival Coordination
Before traveling, the patient receives personalized assistance, including:
ARRIVAL & preoperative evaluation
Day 1: Arrival & Preoperative Evaluation
hospital stay
Day 2-3: SEGOVA Procedure (Hospital Stay: 1–2 Days)
hospital discharge
Day 4: Hospital Discharge & Early Recovery
postoperative support
Day 5-7: Early Recovery & Postoperative Support
remote monitoring & recovery optimization
Week 2-4: Recovery Optimization & Gradual Physical Activity
ongoing support
Ongoing Support & Long-Term Fertility Planning
Contact our team to learn more about how we can assist you.
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